Extent: ± 14 075 m² | GLA : ± 8 791 m² | Gross Annual Income : ± R 1.7 Million | Partially tenanted | Large accessible secure yard | Zoning: Business 1
Very well located industrial warehouse. The property is situated in the very busy Kempston road in Korsten Port Elizabeth.
The property boasts great access to national highways and the greater Port Elizabeth Metropole.
The site offers great accessibility , especially due to the fact that property enjoy 2 access points for large trucks into the yard and warehouses.The property is currently partially rented out to a national company who have occupied the property for the past few years.
Given the visibility and exposure of the property, it further enjoys income from a large advertising billboard.
The property is situated adjacent to Mercantile Hospital, ASPEN Pharmaceuticals, Mondelez and many more large national manufacturers.